Saturday, February 12, 2022

Watch: Bill Maher Unloads on Justin Trudeau, Claims He Sounds 'Like Hitler'

Watch: Bill Maher Unloads on Justin Trudeau, Claims He Sounds 'Like Hitler'
Brodigan - February 12, 2022 at 07:19AM

I don't know what's gotten into Bill Maher lately. Maybe it is because progressives have lost their minds. Maybe his staff has been infiltrated by Trump supporters and they're lacing his weed with red pills. But week after week, Maher sounds one step closer to headlining CPAC. On Friday's show, while defending the Freedom Truckers, he said Justin "I Feel Pretty" Trudeau sounds an awful lot like the former head of Germany.

This is Bill Maher saying this. I personally would never compare Canada's walking pile of soy and hair products to "Hitler." We here at the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website abide by Godwin's Law. We're just reporting that these are words that came out of Maher's mouth.

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