Friday, February 25, 2022

Russell Brand Explains It All: Justin Trudeau Just Damaged Canada Forever

Russell Brand Explains It All: Justin Trudeau Just Damaged Canada Forever
Brodigan - February 25, 2022 at 07:42AM

If you are a celebrity, I just assume we have different political opinions. I judge it based on a) how big of a dick are you about it, and b) how much you sound like you hate the half of the country who disagrees with you. For a while, Russell Brand was on the wrong side of that equation. I'm sure we still disagree on a lot, but lately, we can find common ground on big things. Like free speech, what a twat Brian Stelter is, and just how colossally Justin "I Feel Pretty" Trudeau permanently damaged his own country and set frightening precedence for other countries to follow.

Trudeau 'Stands Against Authoritarianism'... While ARRESTING Convoy Founder! | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says