Thursday, February 24, 2022

Watch: Teacher Caught Bear Hugging Student, Physically Throwing Him Out of Classroom for Not Wearing a Mask

Watch: Teacher Caught Bear Hugging Student, Physically Throwing Him Out of Classroom for Not Wearing a Mask
Joseph Gunderson - February 24, 2022 at 08:23AM

Nothing says “Stay away from me, you disgusting, diseased vermin, you’re going to give me COVID-19” like giving someone a bear hug as you huff and puff your way out the door. Well, that’s just what this moron did.

Oh, man, this man is a hero! The school will probably award him a medal for stopping the equivalent of a school shooting! Frankly, I’m surprised he lived. I’m sure he’ll be telling the harrowing tale around the water cooler for years to come.

Let’s be honest, I’m just glad he didn’t pick the kid up and throw him at another kid. But the way the man is gasping for air, grunting the entire time he barely scoots the kid to the door makes me believe he couldn’t pick up anything much larger than his lunch box full of bonbons, and the only place he’s throwing those is down his gullet.

But seriously, if this teacher was that worried about this boy spreading COVID, he probably wouldn’t wrap his arms around him and drag him out of the room. These rules are based on anything except control and fear tactics, and these dimwitted teachers are just doing what they’re told because thinking isn’t something they’ve done in a long time.

We don’t know what happened before and after this short video, of course. It doesn’t look like there was a huge hubbub prior to the clip, as all the students are seated easily in their chairs, giggling at the spectacle, and the boy seems to find the entire thing pretty funny, too. He was probably just sent into the hallway, but that doesn’t make it any better, especially because the teacher laid hands on a student.

He wasn’t locked in a cold gymnasium or relegated to a vestibule without food or water. But he was put in time out for the crime of breathing… This is insane.

Students have had enough of this nonsense. It’s time we get back to normal—as opposed to the new normal the left is fond of promoting. Take off the muzzles and quit living in fear, people!

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from Steven Crowder Says