Saturday, February 26, 2022

'Maybe This Is Our Last Message': Ukraine Lieutenant Sends Powerful Message as He Prepares for His Last Stand

'Maybe This Is Our Last Message': Ukraine Lieutenant Sends Powerful Message as He Prepares for His Last Stand
Brodigan - February 26, 2022 at 07:59AM

You can't not be moved by the heroism coming out of Ukraine. People woke up Thursday morning and said goodbye to their families because they were now at war. Soldiers have stood defiantly knowing their lives were about to end. Civilians are getting in the faces of Russian soldiers to tell them where to stick their rifles. My biggest conflict this morning was finding a cup of coffee in a hotel. This Ukraine Lieutenant's biggest conflict may be his last.

And he wants the world to know if it is, he's taking as many with him as he can.


“Me, a lieutenant in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, company commander. Here are my warriors. We are not afraid, we are not panicking. We do not lay down our arms and we will not succumb to any tyrants. We will not allow any murderers to impose their will on us. We will not give you a millimeter of our own land.

"Maybe this is our last recording. I don't know if I was a good or bad person, or what God will say. But I know that I am a good citizen and a good soldier. I am the protector of my homeland. The guarantor of her peace. Her shield and sword in time of war.

"You who come here whoever you are, whatever you are, who invade our house--get out of our land. We'll fight you until the last bullet. And when they're over, we'll fight you with our bare fists. We will fight you on land, in water, underground, and in the air. Neither of you will get out of here alive. You will all die. And our land will be free.

"Glory to Ukraine. Glory heroes.”

Glory heroes, indeed. My man here sounds like Churchill saying: "We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets..."

All we can do right now is keep these brave men in our prayers. Let's keep doing so.

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from Steven Crowder Says