Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Watch: Freedom Convoy Embraces Police, Sings National Anthem. This Is Who Justin Trudeau Calls Extremists

Watch: Freedom Convoy Embraces Police, Sings National Anthem. This Is Who Justin Trudeau Calls Extremists
Brodigan - February 16, 2022 at 09:58AM

Justin Trudeau declared war on the Canadian people this week. More specifically, the Canadian people who disagree with him. The people Trudeau says are unacceptable and take up space. Canada's walking pile of soy and hair goop is suspending civil liberties and treating protesters as domestic terrorists for speaking out against their government. Let's check in on these Canadian extremists.

Here they are hugging police officers and singing the Canadian National Anthem.

This was at the barricade in Coutts as the convoy was about to pull out. Jason Kenney, Premier of Alberta, dropped the vaccine mandates and presented a three-point plan to drop restrictions. The protesters got what they wanted. They influenced policy change. They changed the world. So the protesters are going home to fight for change in other ways. But before they left, they shook hands and hugged it out with police who were there to make sure everyone stayed safe. As if to say "good game" at the end of little league.

They then all sang the Canadian National Anthem because like most radical extremists who are trying to overthrow their government, they all sing that government's national anthem in unity.

This is why the Freedom Convoy issued a statement on what they are and are NOT about. The Trudeau government, the media that the Trudeau government controls, and then non-government-controlled media that still share Trudeau's political agenda have been borderline slanderous.

The Canadians standing up for their rights and encouraging the world to stand up for theirs? It's these people in Coutts. That's the face of the revolution. Singing, hugging cops, and demanding freedom.

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from Steven Crowder Says