Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Freedom Convoy Spokesman Joins Jordan Peterson, Makes Defiant Statement Against Trudeau's 'Emergency Act'

Freedom Convoy Spokesman Joins Jordan Peterson, Makes Defiant Statement Against Trudeau's 'Emergency Act'
Brodigan - February 16, 2022 at 07:57AM

Jordan Peterson released a video a few days ago. In it, he praised the Freedom Convoy and all it has accomplished. He also made a strong suggestion for the protesters to define what victory is before it gets defined for them. Then the next day, Justin Trudeau declared martial law and started living out all his soggiest socialist dreams. Trudeau's state-run media has also made clear whose side they are on, as well. SPOILER: It's not the people's.

Benjamin Dichter, the spokesman for the Freedom Convoy, took Peterson up on his offer. Dichter read a statement from the protesters outlining what they want and what they DON'T want. Most importantly, the statement made clear who the protesters ARE, since both the government and the legacy media have been slandering them at best.

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