Sunday, February 20, 2022

Watch: Chicago Thieves Steal Backhoe, Use It to Break Into ATM Machine With No One Noticing

Watch: Chicago Thieves Steal Backhoe, Use It to Break Into ATM Machine With No One Noticing
Brodigan - February 20, 2022 at 09:22AM

In the 2002 movie The Barbershop, there was a reoccurring storyline where two guys were stealing an ATM machine. The movie took place in Chicago. It was supposed to be a ridiculous crime that would never happen in real life, made even more comical the more ridiculous it got. That was 2002. This is 2022 Lori Lightfoot's Chicago. One where businesses are to blame when crimes are committed against them. And one where thieves steal A FREAKIN' BACKHOE to break into an ATM machine.

"This is crazy, this is insane. What is wrong with us? This is what we’re doing now?"

Yes, it would appear so.

"How could someone do something like this and no one hears anything?"

That's the million-dollar question. Or whatever amount was in the ATM machine.

I don't live in a liberal city where liberal politicians have made crime legal. I live in real America where those politicians don't get elected, so I can laugh about this.

You must give the thieves credit for ingenuity!

Imagine how that brainstorming session went: There is a group of associates who were planning a heist. One of them, probably joking at first, suggested that, since they were stealing anyway, they should steal a backhoe? They could drive it to the ATM machine, use it to break into the ATM, and leave it for the owner to claim later. So, it wasn't "stealing" the backhoe, per se. It was more like borrowing it without permission.

At first, it was a crazy idea, but then, when no one had any better ones, another one in the group said, "F*ck it. Who do we know with a backhoe?"

It obviously worked. Our out-of-the-box thinking friends get kudos for that!

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from Steven Crowder Says