Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Watch: Brave Reporter Tries Confronting Hillary Clinton Over Latest Durham Report

Watch: Brave Reporter Tries Confronting Hillary Clinton Over Latest Durham Report
Brodigan - February 16, 2022 at 08:53AM

Hillary Clinton, who shattered the glass ceiling becoming the first woman to fail at running for president twice, is back in the news. It was revealed via John Durham's investigation that Clinton Campaign lawyer Michael Sussman was working with an unnamed "tech executive" to spy on Donald Trump. Both CANDIDATE Donald Trump and PRESIDENT Donald Trump. Of course, there is nothing to indicate Hillary Clinton had any involvement or knowledge of the alleged spying. A brave reporter from the Daily Mail took her life into her own hands to attempt to get the former Jeffrey Epstein associate's comment on the matter.

At least, I think this was Hillary Clinton. She was wearing a mask. It could be a body double. Kinda like how Saddam Hussein used to use.

REPORTER: Did you pay to spy on the Trump campaign? When are you going to comment on the spying allegations, Hillary? Did you pay to have him spied on?

HILLARY: I was very sad to hear that you killed yourself.



To be clear, no one here at the Louder with Crowder Dot Come website is implying any wrongdoing on the part of Hillary Clinton. She isn't the type of person who would do such a thing. The evidence required to pass the standards of "independent" "fact" checkers (some of who are funded by Clinton donors) has not been met. Anyone saying otherwise is getting yeeted by Big Tech.

All we here at LWC are saying is that there was a report, the word "Clinton" was in the report, and a reporter interviewed someone who has the last name "Clinton" about the report. Nothing more.

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