Saturday, February 19, 2022

After a Day of Police Violence, Canadian Protesters Send Defiant Message: We're Holding the Line

After a Day of Police Violence, Canadian Protesters Send Defiant Message: We're Holding the Line
Joseph Gunderson - February 19, 2022 at 08:59AM

I’m guessing the limp-wristed tyrant Justin “I Feel Pretty” Trudeau was hoping that a quickly show of force against his countrymen would have them all jumping into their big rigs and driving home. He hoped. But that doesn’t look like it’s going to be the case.

Even after the police (allegedly) trampled people with horses and pepper-sprayed others, the Canadian Freedom Convoy seems to be going strong, albeit a little bit sore, cold, and slightly fewer in number.

One grizzly-looking man has been providing updates via his Instagram, and from what we can tell, there are still plenty of people in Ottawa standing for freedom against Trudeau’s vax and passport mandates.

Now, I don’t know this man from Adam, and at some points he sounds like he’s trying to do his best William Wallace impression, but after some of the scenes that played out yesterday afternoon, I think it’s a good sign that there are still so many people there who continue to hold the line against Trudeau’s tyranny, and they are doing it peacefully. (Notice: there are already videos of police roughing up protesters, but not a whisper about a protester doing anything to the police.)

With Wallace’s little frozen air horn, I’d say The Honkening is still alive and well, at least for now. Yesterday was the first day police forces clashed with protesters, and we already have some pretty awful reports coming out of it. There’s no telling what they will do as Trudeau grows more desperate to grind his ideological enemies into the permafrost.

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from Steven Crowder Says