Thursday, February 24, 2022

‘Conservative Christians Need to Die’: Teacher Caught on Video Ranting to Coworkers

‘Conservative Christians Need to Die’: Teacher Caught on Video Ranting to Coworkers
Joseph Gunderson - February 24, 2022 at 07:49AM

The left refuses to let go of COVID. It doesn’t matter that the masks do almost nothing to help or that everyone who wants the jab has had a chance to get the jab. They refuse to trust in reality, choosing instead to trust the government bureaucrats who barely know their a**es from holes in the ground. And few are more dedicated to the narrative than teachers.

This lady has had enough. Not enough to come to grips with reality, but enough to wish death on the people who aren’t as deluded as herself. Dana Loesch had the exclusive on Substack. This woman is a teacher at Colleyville ISD. In a busy hallway, talking to two coworkers, this woman feels more than comfortable wishing the death of effectively half of the country.

from Steven Crowder Says