Saturday, February 26, 2022

Majority of Americans Believe Putin Invaded Because Trump Is Gone, Views Biden as Weak According to New Poll

Majority of Americans Believe Putin Invaded Because Trump Is Gone, Views Biden as Weak According to New Poll
Brodigan - February 26, 2022 at 07:21AM

After Putin invaded Ukraine, there was a concerted effort from blue checkmarks to declare "Thank goodness Donald Trump isn't president." Which is an odd flex. I know the main tenet of being BlueAnon is the belief that Putin "installed" Trump as president via Facebook ads, but it seems a simple equation. Trump is the one president where Putin DIDN'T try to invade another country. It seems like a waste of "installing" someone as the American president. Turns out, according to a new Harvard-Harris poll, it doesn't make sense to a vast majority of Americans, either.

According to polling, 62% say Putin would NOT be moving against Ukraine if Trump was still president, and 59% believe Putin only chose now to invade because he views weakness in Joe Biden. I wonder where Putin got this idea from?

The poll went along party lines, but 38% percent of DEMOCRATS think Putin only did this because Trump is gone. THIRTY-EIGHT percent of Joe Biden's political party who have been fed BlueAnon conspiracies for the last five years STILL think Ukraine would not be getting invaded right now if Trump was president.

The other 62% of Democrats must believe what the boss describes.

"So Putin’s plan was to invade Georgia under Bush’s watch, Crimea under Obama’s… nothing under the President he helped “install” … and the immediately Ukraine under Biden. Am I doing this right?"

Yes. That is exactly what we're supposed to believe. Then we can all meet back here when Xi invades Taiwan and take the same poll.

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