Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Five Most Soviet Things Justin Trudeau Said While Declaring Insane 'Emergencies Act' Against Freedom Convoy

Five Most Soviet Things Justin Trudeau Said While Declaring Insane 'Emergencies Act' Against Freedom Convoy
Brodigan - February 15, 2022 at 07:18AM

Justin Trudeau declared war on his own people. Or, rather, those Canadians who hold views that oppose his own. The Canadians he says take up space and won't be tolerated. Canadians are protesting against the government overreaching with the emergencies powers they gave themselves during the pandemic. Trudeau's response is to declare activation of the Emergencies Act to take even more emergency powers and violate even more rights. Everything the content creators at CNN accused Donald Trump of doing because he tweeted about maybe considering it, Trudeau is ACTUALLY doing. Something with which the content creators at CNN and elsewhere in the media are okay because they hate the same people Trudeau does, i.e. citizens who dare question the government.

Pay attention, America. Each of these clips gets more insane than the last. Ask yourself if you think the people who control Joe Biden would try to do the same if they thought they could get away with it.

Like "compelling" private companies to act against citizens on behalf of the government.

Trudeau is telling banks they can freeze your assets no questions asked. And if you try to take legal recourse, Trudeau's government will take away the legal recourse.

Crowdfunding platforms like GiveSendGo? That's now considered money laundering under the guise of terrorism. This is because of citizens speaking out against a government making it difficult for those citizens to live a free life and provide for their families.

If you are a private company that owns one of the trucks that are part of the peaceful protest, Canada now has the emergency powers to FREEZE YOUR CORPORATE ACCOUNTS and suspend your private insurance.

Most frightening, Trudeau thinks this is acting responsibly.

My understanding of the Emergencies Act is that while Trudeau's assault of civil liberties goes into effect right away, he has a week where he still needs to get permission from the government. A number of Premiers have already said they disagree with him, as has Canada's answer to the ACLU. The new head of the opposition doesn't seem to be one who easily backs down. We'll see what develops.

I just ask my fellow Americans to pay attention and think. The Freedom Convoy is a diverse group of citizens speaking out against unelected bureaucracy and restrictions on their freedom in the guise of a public "emergency." The government in charge of those restrictions is borderline socialist (though not that borderline anymore). The media whose job it is to hold the government accountable is siding with the government because the government shares the same political agenda as the media. Now, replace Trudeau with the people who run Joe Biden.

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from Steven Crowder Says