Friday, February 25, 2022

‘Go F*** Yourself’: Ukrainian Soldiers' Eternal Final Words to Russian Invaders

‘Go F*** Yourself’: Ukrainian Soldiers' Eternal Final Words to Russian Invaders
Joseph Gunderson - February 25, 2022 at 07:55AM

There’s an amazing quote from Marcus Aurelius—many will recognize it from Gladiator—and it goes, “Death smiles at us all. All we can do is smile back.” I’m guessing these thirteen soldiers stationed on Snake Island did just that.

This story of courage and bad*ssery comes to us via Barstool Sports. Only thirteen men were stationed on Snake Island when the Russians came knocking, prepared to shell the entire island during their invasion of Ukraine. And when they gave the Ukrainian forces the choice to either surrender or face demise, the soldiers didn’t miss a beat making the choice and in such a way that will ensure they will live forever in our memories.

Radio: “This is Russian warship, I repeat, I suggest you surrender your weapons and capitulate, otherwise I will open fire. Do you copy?”

Off Radio: “This is it. Should I tell him to go f*ck himself?”

Off Radio: “Just in case.”

Radio: “Russian warship, go f*ck yourself.”

And before someone attempts to besmirch the memory of these gallant men, saying this is fake news (which, I mean, I might have been inclined to skepticism, as well), Barstool did their homework. As it turns out, the Battle of Snake Island is real, and regretfully—albeit expectedly—all thirteen of the Soldiers manning the post on Snake Island were killed by the Russians.

They knew what was about to happen. “This is it.” But they weren’t going to go out like sniveling cowards. “Should I tell him to go f*ck himself?” “Just in case [we die]” we want to go out like bad*sses. And you did, men. You most certainly did just that.

While this is thus far the greatest demonstration of guts and patriotism we’ve seen come out of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it isn’t the only one. It didn’t end as terribly, but even the one Ukrainian old lady has more stones over there than all the men in the Democratic Party combined.

As this event continues to unfold, keep the people of Ukraine in your prayers. God knows this isn’t going to get any easier for them anytime soon, and it doesn’t look as if the west isn’t going to be doing much in the way of coming to their aid.

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