Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Watch: Shoplifters Empty Out Entire Clothing Store, Casually Walk Out Front Door

Watch: Shoplifters Empty Out Entire Clothing Store, Casually Walk Out Front Door
Brodigan - February 22, 2022 at 08:33AM

We have seen some wild videos of smash-and-grabs. We have seen shoplifters casually walk out of stores because they know no one is going to stop them. These scenes have become all too common in liberal cities where liberal elected officials enact liberal policies. Again, you get what you vote for. City voters voted for The Purge. But this video from Atlanta is something else. They cleaned out the entire store.

They were very thorough. One dude even grabbed a mannequin on his way out of the door. I guess because, hey, free mannequin.

It's a viral video so the usual disclaimers apply. Allow that this is a put-on. A ruse because they know content hustlers can't help themselves. Trust me. We can smell our own. And if this was staged, well played. You got me.

I'm wondering if this was an everyday stealing. Like, this store was next on the list, and there is a quota to be met. Or if this was a challenge. I want to believe that there was a Boss Thug standing outside with a stopwatch timing how long it takes them to leave the store. Seeing how much merchandise they can steal. Then see who got closest to $950 without going over. Kinda like a hoodlum "The Price is Right."

Think of it as a training exercise with incentives. The winner gets to keep one of the flatscreens they stole the day before. The loser has to prance around the parking lot in a pair of those yellow stretchy pants they just stole while his friends point at him and laugh. Then it's on to the next store.

At this point, all you can do is laugh as long as it isn't happening to you.

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from Steven Crowder Says