Brodigan - February 23, 2022 at 08:27AM

"As long as anyone can get sick anywhere there need to be COVID restrictions everywhere." That is something normies say to make fun of fear-mongering progressives made scared of the 'rona. They're the ones who follow what they call "the science." And when science (no "the") contradicts their fear, they follow their own science. When those of us who dabble in snark for a living want an easy joke, that's what we go with. For the harpies on "The View," it's no joke. They really think that.
The brain trust was outraged that UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson would lift all COVID restrictions. The fact the 217-year-old Queen got sick was evidence for why restrictions should remain. "The View" thinks Johnson is the tone-deaf one. Mind you, this isn't a clip put out by Newsbusters or Grabien for us to point and make fun of the libs. "The View" tweeted this themselves because they thought it made them look smart.
The rub is that these yaks are typical of liberals in America. For the past two years, how many masks they have worn and how much they worshiped at the feet of Lord Fauci are what they've used to construct their identities. It's what made them think they were better than you. MSNBC of all places exposed it for what it is: "So much of the identity of what is meant to be a Democrat, to follow 'the science,' was tied up in masking and following these rules and regulations. And if you didn’t do that, you were you know, a bad person, you were Ron DeSantis, you were a denier."
It is 2022. We are approaching the anniversary of two years plus fifteen days to flatten the curve. No, we don't keep restrictions because an old lady gets sick, even if that woman is the Queen. You would think with the amount of triple-vaxxed cast members of "The View" who still caught the 'rona--in New York City--they might recognize that mayhaps the restrictions don't work as it is. But that would mean admitting all of those dirty, less-than, DeSantis-type people were right all along.
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