Monday, February 14, 2022

Elitist Professor Upset to Learn Fast Food Managers Earn More Than Him, Twitter Wrecks His Face

Elitist Professor Upset to Learn Fast Food Managers Earn More Than Him, Twitter Wrecks His Face
Joseph Gunderson - February 14, 2022 at 09:04AM

Spencer Bagley, an associate professor of mathematics at Westminster College, took to Twitter on February 11 after realizing he went tens- perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt earning a doctorate only to be out-earned but some uneducated cog in the capitalist machine.

“My salary as an associate professor of mathematics at Westminster College, three blocks away from this sign, is $61,500,” the teary-eyed academic furiously typed into his $2000 iPhone made by slave laborers in China. But would someone expect anything less from some twit who feels it necessary to put his pronouns in his bio? I swear, pronouns in the bio is the easiest way to tell the IQ of an individual. I’m guessing Bagley’s is about room temperature.

Perhaps Bagley should have gone into something more useful than mathematics, like African American antiracism studies or something. I hear that pays pretty damn well these days.

As the Post Millennial reports, several individuals wasted no time in dragging the over-educated tool for his ignorant, pitiful tweet.

“College costs way too much. Students leave college with soul crushing debt. We need to lower the cost of college so we are going to have to cut your pay in half. It’s more fair to the students that way. You can work 2 part time jobs like a lot of people do.”

This only seems right. I mean, as far as I can tell, the university system seems to be wholly anti-capitalist in nature, so I’m pretty sure all professors would be willing to impart their knowledge for free, right? Certainly, all of these privileged profs could use a little lesson in what it means to actually perform a single honest day’s work. I doubt Bagley could handle anything that would cause him to break a sweat… Or God forbid, a nail!

“You underestimate the work that goes into running a 7 day a week/ > 12 hr a day restaurant which relies on entry level workers to show up every day. To have quality, staff, service, cleanliness, etc is tough. Why don’t you try it for a year?”

I think politically homeless [A]merican and honk honk rando hit the nail right on the head, especially where it concerns education lending and the poor earning potential for such degrees. Case and point, we have members of Congress calling for student loan forgiveness because they went tens of thousands of dollars in debt and never once held a job that would pay off the loans—until they landed seats in Congress that is, and even now, they refuse to pay the loans off!

I’ll close with paraphrasing Jordan Peterson: the universities comprise “a stunningly corrupt enterprise,” and people like Bagley are part and parcel of the problem.

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