Sunday, February 27, 2022

Watch: Vice-Principal 'Just Doing My Job' While Locking Little Girl Outside in Cold for Not Wearing Mask

Watch: Vice-Principal 'Just Doing My Job' While Locking Little Girl Outside in Cold for Not Wearing Mask
Brodigan - February 27, 2022 at 07:04AM

With all eyes focused on the war in Ukraine, let's not forget the war on our kids here in America. This took place at Summerville Elementary in Tuolumne, California. California, much like New York and deep blue cities across America, is under occupation by the teachers' unions. Even as the CDC starts to follow the political science and decide a week before a big Joe Biden speech that you no longer need to wear masks, the same isn't true for children in liberal-run areas. Nine-year-olds are locked outside in the cold for not wearing a mask.

The union foot soldier/assistant principal? She's just doing her job.

Most leftists have started following the political science.

Yet some school districts are intent to torture our kids for as long as they can. You're free to decide if it's out of spite because they view parents as the enemy, or if they're just following orders from the unions that got them elected. One thing you know it's not is "science."

How pathetic of a grown-ass adult do you have to be to stand there watching a nine-year-old be locked outside of her school, and say without a shred of irony "I'm just doing my job." If you think your job as an educator is to put adult fear and politics before the well-being of children, you should be unemployed.

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