Friday, February 18, 2022

'The View' Won't Calm Down About Places Lifting Mask Mandates, Pledge to Mask Indefinitely

'The View' Won't Calm Down About Places Lifting Mask Mandates, Pledge to Mask Indefinitely
Brodigan - February 18, 2022 at 08:57AM

"The View" was yacking about masks again. They weren't complaining about Americans who don't want to wear masks. They were complaining about Americans not mandating that other Americans wear masks. Basically, "The View" has turned into Bill Maher making fun of them, which "The View" also complained about. They're very big on following the science as defined by the government guys who tell Joe Biden what to think and will attack you if you don't follow that science. But now that Democrats are following the political science and realizing, if they keep up the theater and charade, they'll lose their jobs, "The View" doesn't know who to follow.

So, they're going to follow themselves. And mask up indefinitely.

"I listen to the little voice in my head that doesn’t really follow 100% of what they tell me because they keep changing it. A very short time ago, they were saying put the N95 masks on, and now make sure it’s a – and now they’re saying you don’t have to wear them anymore. [...] I might do that [wear a mask] indefinitely."

I could go for the cheap joke and say Joy Behar masking up indefinitely is a service to us all. And that if my dog looked like her I would shave its ass and teach it to walk backward. And I'd still make it wear a mask on its butt. I could say that, but it would be a cheap joke. It would be the kind of nasty, mean, cruel joke that Joy Behar would make about a conservative woman, and I'm better than that.

What I find fascinating is how not following "100% of what they tell me because they keep changing it" is no longer misinformation. If Joe Rogan dropped those bars, people would say he's spreading dangerous rhetoric. By people, I mean "The View." Now that what "they" say doesn't match the fear liberals are comfortable with, it's okay to question "them." It's no wonder the director of the CDC wishes people would go back to ignoring the CDC like they've been doing for as long as there's been a CDC.

I don't have a strong opinion about who on "The View" wants to mask up for infinity and beyond. A smug, snarky one? Yes, of course. These clicks don't bait themselves. They can each wear eleventy-five masks for all I care. I just find it hysterical that the follow-the-science-you-anti-"the-science"-the-science-denier people are quick to dismiss what that science is telling them now that they disagree with it.

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