Saturday, February 26, 2022

Pathetic: NPR Publishes Tips for Americans Who Are 'Stressed' From 'Reading' About Ukraine

Pathetic: NPR Publishes Tips for Americans Who Are 'Stressed' From 'Reading' About Ukraine
Joseph Gunderson - February 26, 2022 at 08:27AM

If there is a better way to contrast the difference between the people of Ukraine currently fighting for their freedom and Americans, who are upset when someone doesn’t believe they are non-binary tree-nymphs, well, I don’t know what it is.

Ukraine is being battered by Russian forces attempting to seize the country. Young men and women are fighting from street to street in some places to hold off the hordes. It is a literal hell on earth right now for the people of Ukraine. And what are Americans dealing with? Well, they know what’s going on, and that makes them sad.

Andee Tagle of NPR writes, “The reality of conflict is always a shock to the system.” Yeah, you think? But is it really a shock when your system consists of picking up an overpriced latte from Starbucks, casually walking down the street to your cozy office, and at the end of the day, having only to worry about whether or not there will be something good to watch on Hulu? You’re joking, right?

Tagle’s list reads like something a university might hand out to students in preparation for finals or something: breathe, get moving, nourish yourself, stay connected, or sign off. I read that list and face-palm so hard.

“When the news is scary, it’s easy to get lost in our own heads. Reach out to loved ones instead.”

I want to meet the squishy wimp who takes this advice, runs to his dad with tears in his eyes, and says, “I can’t take what’s going on in Ukraine! It’s just so stressful!”

I do find it a little funny, however, that Tagle includes signing off as an option. Can they start applying this rule to everything they don’t like, everything that triggers them? It took a new war breaking out for these tools to figure out there’s a power button on their electronics? Do Democrats not know how to function without being told explicitly what to do? I mean, that does sound about right… It would explain quite a bit.

Needless to say, the list is hilariously mundane and made all the funnier because leftists required such a list to soothe their fears and stress over something they themselves aren’t experiencing. This is why I’m not afraid of a civil war with these people. Could you imagine any of them actually having to fight? Neither can I.

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