Tuesday, February 22, 2022

'That’s Bulls***': Woman Trampled By Justin Trudeau's Police Horses Speaks Out, Slams Cops and Prime Minister

'That’s Bulls***': Woman Trampled By Justin Trudeau's Police Horses Speaks Out, Slams Cops and Prime Minister
Brodigan - February 22, 2022 at 07:11AM

The most shocking image coming from Justin Trudeau's weekend of martial law was that of an elderly woman with a mobility scooter being trampled by police officers. In the chaos, there were reports she had passed. Thankfully, she is only banged up. Her name is Candice Sero, and she's an indigenous elder. Candice spoke to Rebel News about her ordeal.

Ottawa Police claim no one was injured. They also assure everyone that the horse is fine. Candice Sero has a fractured collarbone that says, "that's bullsh*t."

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