Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Military Spends Millions of Man-Hours, Over $1 Million in Funding to Promote Joe Biden’s Woke Agenda

Military Spends Millions of Man-Hours, Over $1 Million in Funding to Promote Joe Biden’s Woke Agenda
Joseph Gunderson - February 15, 2022 at 10:22AM

Reported by Fox News, in a letter to Senator James Inhofe (R-OK), who is the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, General Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, states that the Department of Defense has spent nearly six million man-hours and over $1M to address leftist concerns in the military.

After Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin called for extremism “stand downs” in February of 2021, the DoD spent approximately 5.3 million man-hours addressing extremism in the ranks. One might believe extremism was a terrible issue in the military with so much time being invested in handling it, but a report from December 2021 out of the DoD revealed that fewer than 100 service members were found to have demonstrated any behaviors linked to extremism, which is even more interesting seeing as how overbroad the government currently defines “extremism.”

But even though it’s not an issue, it didn’t stop the government from dropping $535,000 to address it.

They also spent $477,000 on diversity, inclusivity, and equity training because, well, that’s what leftist hacks do, and the top brass in the military these days are nothing if not leftist hacks.

Surprisingly, the Defense Department only shelled out $5,000 for climate change—a number I imagine will only skyrocket just as soon as Greta Thunberg learns of the Biden Administration’s lackluster investment in the movement. Certainly, Representative AOC (D-Twitter) will have something to say about it, as well.

What does all of this do for military readiness, though? Nothing: that’s what. It serves to pander to the left, inculcate our servicemen and women with the preferred leftist orthodoxy, and indoctrinate an entire generation of military leaders into the cult of leftist progressivism. It serves to lower standards in the name of diversity and promotes a kinder, softer version of the military.

As leftism continues to strangle our armed forces, this country continues to grow weaker and more vulnerable. But then, that’s what the left wants. And the left controls our witless, drooling POTUS.

I’d probably start brushing up on Mandarin or Russian if I were you. I know a little Russian, so I think I’ll be okay when our queer-friendly, uber-diverse, feminist, vegan, antiracist military starts giving them hugs and waving white flags like some kind of French battalion circa 1940.

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