Saturday, February 19, 2022

MSNBC Accidentally Exposes Truth About Democrats: They Think Wearing Masks Makes Them Better Than You

MSNBC Accidentally Exposes Truth About Democrats: They Think Wearing Masks Makes Them Better Than You
Brodigan - February 19, 2022 at 08:53AM

Democrats refuse to give up their masks. Even as other Democrat officials follow the political science and say, "Ackhsuually, I don't think we need these mandates anymore." They've been so busy following "the science" according to what the government guys told Joe Biden to say that was. As more information about masks that was once considered "misinformation" is now considered "guidelines," liberals can't deal. Making a personal choice that's right for you is no longer considered selfish. As MSNBC points out, there is a bigger issue at play. Liberals giving up their masks also means giving up their sense of superiority.

"So much of the identity of what is meant to be a Democrat, to follow 'the science,' was tied up in masking and following these rules and regulations. And if you didn’t do that, you were you know, a bad person, you were Ron DeSantis, you were a denier."

This is why school districts under strict control of liberal teachers' unions still mandate your five-year-old be masked up. This is why the CDC wishes people would just ignore the CDC like they used to do. Progressives are pleading with the CDC and the other unelected health bureaucrats to tell them that "the science" says they can take off their masks. Every fiber of their beings, every bit of their personalities, everything they are and hope to be is defined by what they call "the science." Otherwise, they are no better than those dirty conservatives who believe in common sense and don't need the government telling them how to live their lives.

These are the people who if Donald Trump were still allowed to tweet and said "wearing three masks is stupid," they would start wearing four because, again, their "the science" is what makes them better than you.

It's a sad way to live. It's a hysterical way to live if you're not the one living like that. Democrats have no one to blame for their predicament but themselves.

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