Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Media Declares ‘Freedom’ a Far-Right Rallying Cry, Claims Idea of Freedom Is a 'Slippery Concept’

Media Declares ‘Freedom’ a Far-Right Rallying Cry, Claims Idea of Freedom Is a 'Slippery Concept’
Joseph Gunderson - February 15, 2022 at 08:20AM

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is extremely busy aiding their prime minister in assuming the role of Grand Chancellor of Canada—which we can expect to become his title after he takes ultimate power over the frozen north. He’s definitely trying. Just yesterday, Trudeau tapped the Emergencies Act, stepping in front of news cameras long enough to say how he’ll only crush his people’s freedoms a little bit—only as much as he thinks is necessary.

Then he gave his hair a little flip like a teenie-bopper girl and rendered a very well-practiced Nazi salute… Okay, not that last part, but he may as well have.

Because, you see, in Canada, freedom is bad. Freedom is very, very bad, and one knows it’s very bad because the media says it is. So, Trudeau needs to do something about all that freedom.

“Freedom” has been the entire point of the Freedom Convoy since the beginning. And there’s been no ulterior motive. The truckers have not attempted to obfuscate what drives them (pun intended). But, as the CBC reports, “freedom” is “a malleable term,” one the protesters have seized upon and manipulated.

Evan Balgord, who serves as executive director of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, said, “When they're [the protesters] yelling they care so much about their freedom, they're taking freedoms away from other people who don't have the same kind of agency and choice that they do.”

Talk about leftist elitism. Certainly, Balgord believes he has agency, that he has the ability to make choices. He just doesn’t believe the lowly proles do. Those people need the government to make their choices for them, and those truckers are protesting against such totalitarian controls.

But, of course, this sh*t show wouldn’t be complete without some ignorant academic chiming in, too—God knows how the left loves turning to their beloved scholars for guidance. Elisabeth Anker, associate professor of political science (a useless discipline) at George Washington University says:

“Freedom is a slippery concept. […] On the far right, [individual freedom] is often translated into somebody who refuses to be bound by norms of equality, treating all people equally or norms to remedy inequality, whether that's trying to remedy racial discrimination or gender discrimination.”

Anker calls what the truckers are asking for “violent freedom,” as it opposes everything that she and the rest of the left holds near and dear. It threatens the notion of “equality,” one of the left’s favorite nonsensical, poorly defined phrases.

This is how freedom ends in the west, everyone. They’re redefining freedom to mean whatever the government wants it to be. Sounds like slavery to me. But then, Orwell wrote it best: “SLAVERY IS FREEDOM.” Are you paying attention yet?

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