Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Kyle Rittenhouse Announces Plans to Hold Dishonest Media Accountable, Drops Names Who May Want to Lawyer Up

Kyle Rittenhouse Announces Plans to Hold Dishonest Media Accountable, Drops Names Who May Want to Lawyer Up
Brodigan - February 22, 2022 at 07:41AM

Kyle Rittenhouse gained notoriety when liberals and the media (but I repeat myself) needed a narrative in 2020 to help with Joe Biden's election. There was a social justice riot. Kyle was there. He was put into a position where he needed to end two lives to save himself. But because of Kyle's complexion and the fact he exercised his second amendment rights, Kyle was put on trial for multiple homicides. Even as the FACTS of what happened came out in the trial, the media couldn't stop lying.

Rittenhouse has teased holding the media accountable, and on Monday he announced how. He's forming a new organization called The Media Accountability Project to help cover legal costs for others who find themselves being slandered and defamed by politicians, the content creators of cable news, and anyone else in the media-entertainment industrial complex. Kyle also announced a few names who may want to lawyer up.

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