Saturday, February 26, 2022

Ukraine’s President Zelensky Offered Evacuation by US: ‘I Need Ammunition, Not a Ride’

Ukraine’s President Zelensky Offered Evacuation by US: ‘I Need Ammunition, Not a Ride’
Joseph Gunderson - February 26, 2022 at 07:53AM

Ukrainians are seriously made from different stuff. The old women are fearless. The young soldiers are dauntless. And their leaders? Strong and steadfast.

The New York Post reports that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was offered an evacuation by the United States, to hurry him away from Kyiv before the Russians potentially took the city, but Zelensky refused, saying, “The fight is here. I need ammunition, not a ride,” says “an American intelligence official with direct knowledge of the conversation.”

I didn’t think they made leaders like this anymore, but I was wrong. As it turns out, much to my chagrin, America just doesn’t elect leaders like this anymore. Instead, we get slow Joe and his proto-hooker VP.

Zelensky has made a number of other statements posted to social media. In one video, Zelensky stands with members of his cabinet saying, “All of us are here protecting the independence of our country, and it will continue to be this way.”

from Steven Crowder Says