Monday, February 14, 2022

Freedom Convoy Wins? Ontario Announces It's Lifting Vaccine Mandate

Freedom Convoy Wins? Ontario Announces It's Lifting Vaccine Mandate
Brodigan - February 14, 2022 at 09:07AM

The Freedom Convoy is peacefully protesting in Ottawa. Ottawa is in the province of Ontario. Ontario just announced they are doing away with their vaccine mandate and more.

I'm not sure what victory looks like to the peaceful protest organizers. But I'm sure it looks something like this tweet.

- Ontario will lift the proof of vaccination requirements for all settings and capacity limits for all indoor public settings on March 1.

- The second step of the reopening is being fast-tracked from Feb 21 to Feb 17.

- Masking timelines to come "at a later date"

Not all Canadians are willing to give up living in fear yet. These must be the American equivalent of the "the science" following crowd, which as Joe Biden made clear means "the science" as defined by the CDC and the, quote, "government guys."

If this is what this tweet sounds like--I can't imagine a member of the media tweeting good news about the convoy unless they absolutely had to--this is a huge victory. They threw everything at the Freedom Convoy. Called them every name in the book. Attacked them in the press. Sent police to people's homes based on social media posts. Yet all it managed to do is cause the protest to grow. More people went to see for themselves what the protest was about and found their government and their media were lying to them.

Right now, we're only going by this one tweet. IF it's what it sounds like, the protesters should all take a bow. And the rest of the world should take notice.

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