Brodigan - February 19, 2022 at 08:09AM

There is a school in Hot Springs (Arkansas?) that is offering a gun safety course for students. Gun safety is a valuable thing for everyone to learn. Even if you're not a gun person. Just ask Alec Baldwin. A rational person can see that. A rational person who disagrees with the class can not sign their son or daughter up for it. This specimen has his panties wedged so far up his no-no area over this, he can barely form words.
Not sure if he is a parent from the school district. Or a parent at all. I'm guessing no to both counts.
Let's find common ground. That thing he does where every time he puts his hand up in front of his camera it looks like he's holding a graphic of the Facebook post? That was pretty dope. I'd like to know how to do that.
The rest of his argument, one where he was about to cry like a little girl whose mom wouldn't let her take a gun safety class, leaves a lot to be desired. Our friend is melting down over schools teaching this and not teaching woke jive he would prefer them to teach. It seems directed at parents being more vocal to their school boards, specifically when it comes to the Marxist indoctrination method known as "CRT." This is where students are isolated by race and taught to hate and mistrust each other. A diverse group of parents spanning all races has been vocal against this, many of whom have darker skin than Pasty McMayonaise here.
And no one is giving the kids guns. They're teaching kids how to safely use guns. If they were giving kids guns, that would be f*cking awesome.
Here's hoping Pasty managed to calm down and get the last of the sand out of his ladybits. Getting this emotional over something so silly is no way to live.
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