Thursday, February 17, 2022

Leaked Audio: CDC Director Says No Changing School Mask Guidance, But Schools Don't Have to Listen to Her

Leaked Audio: CDC Director Says No Changing School Mask Guidance, But Schools Don't Have to Listen to Her
Brodigan - February 17, 2022 at 09:36AM

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky held a closed-door briefing with the House Energy and Commerce committee. Someone opened the door and leaked audio of the meeting to Reason Magazine. If there was concern about Americans losing confidence in the CDC or the "government guys," Walensky's comments won't help matters. It will help people see that when President Biden says he believes whatever the CDC and the "government guys" tell him, he's a nincompoop for doing so. Bottom line, Walensky will not change the guidance for masking your five-year-old.

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers brought up how America is an outlier country when it comes to masking children. She pointed to studies showing how masking students can adversely affect learning and social development and that the one study the CDC uses to justify school mask mandates has been thoroughly debunked. Walensky admitted that the study is flawed, but "they all have limitations, and that's important to recognize." There was no recognition of the teachers' unions writing the guidelines for the CDC. At least, not that was heard on this leaked audio.

The maddening part is Walensky's answer to Rep. Palmer. He asked her to justify the school masking guidance. Her response?

"I will also say that guidance is just guidance, and all of these decisions, we've continued to say, have to be made at the local level."

Many schools have been waiting for the CDC to change their guidance--because they believed that following the CDC is the same as following actual science--and the CDC director just said schools don't have to listen to the CDC if they don't want to. This New York Times tweet makes a lot more sense now.

This better come up in a public hearing where Walensky is under oath, answering questions from parents whose children have suffered because of these mask mandates. The same mandates Walensky says are just suggestions.

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