Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Parents Recall Radical School Board Members Too Extreme for Even the Left-Wing Haven of San Francisco

Parents Recall Radical School Board Members Too Extreme for Even the Left-Wing Haven of San Francisco
Joseph Gunderson - February 16, 2022 at 08:12AM

How left-wing crazy must a group of people be to have 70% of San Francisco voters turn against them? It’s a little unclear, seeing as how the school board in the California city has been pushing the same “progressive” bullsh*t we see around the country. But one thing is clear: parents don’t appreciate the politics taking precedence over their children’s education.

National Review reports that “residents overwhelmingly voted to oust three of the city’s progressive school-board members” on Tuesday, with more than 70% of voters supporting the recalls.

The three members were the only seats eligible to be recalled, and they are up for re-election this November, but the message to the entire school board seems pretty clear: Shape up or lose your seats. Mayor London Breed, who supported the ouster of the three school board members, will appoint three new members for the board to serve until November.

In a prepared statement, Mayor Breed wrote: “The voters of this city have delivered a clear message that the school board must focus on the essentials of delivering a well-run school system above all else. San Francisco is a city that believes in the value of big ideas, but those ideas must be built on the foundation of a government that does the essentials well.”

Eh, they might be sh*t out of luck then because there’s nothing any governmental body in California does well. Literally nothing. Okay, maybe not nothing. They do really well paying homeless people to live on the streets and get high. No one can deny that.

Siva Raj and Autumn Looijen led the recall effort and plan to begin compiling a list of possible candidates to fill the open seats. For the sake of the students, let’s hope they don’t choose to replace three leftist idiots with newer leftist idiots, but knowing what I know about California, that’s probably exactly what’s going to happen.

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