Saturday, February 19, 2022

Watch: Canadian Cops on Horseback (Allegedly) Trample Old Lady on Mobility Scooter, Claim Someone Threw Bike

Watch: Canadian Cops on Horseback (Allegedly) Trample Old Lady on Mobility Scooter, Claim Someone Threw Bike
Brodigan - February 19, 2022 at 07:40AM

The Ottawa Police chief resigned this week. I never caught the reason why, but I find myself wondering if it's because Justin Trudeau ordered him to order police to trample old women. ALLEGEDLY! I'm not CNN, so I don't have the luxury to make invalid claims when it comes to authorities and horses. But Trudeau declared martial law against Canadians who hold opposing viewpoints this week, and there are a lot of chaotic scenes coming out of Ottawa. Let's take a trip together and I'll invite you to draw your own conclusions at the end.

Here's the old lady. This is who Justin Trudeau says takes up space and should not be tolerated with her unacceptable views.

Here are police aggressively riding horses throw a crowd of mostly peaceful protesters. You'll notice this sweet old lady laying on the ground at the end of the video.

An official statement from the Ottawa Police assures everyone that the Ottawa Police did nothing wrong. But someone threw a bicycle at them.

There is no bicycle visible. The only thing with wheels is the old lady's mobility scooter. You'll notice it laying on the ground next to her after police rode their horses through.

An official statement from the Ottawa Police assures everyone once again that the Ottawa Police did nothing wrong. They add that no one was injured or died as a result of the Ottawa Police's actions. Because, again, according to the Ottawa Police, the Ottawa Police did nothing wrong. Journalists on the scene contradict this statement, however.

As of writing this, there has been no update on the old woman's health status. Please, keep her in your prayers. Justin Trudeau has also yet to comment on these shocking videos coming out as a result of his emergency declaration. There has also yet to be comments from any Trudeau sympathizers, but they may all be busy terrorizing shop owners over small-dollar donations.

We here at the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website will be following this story all weekend.

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from Steven Crowder Says