Saturday, February 19, 2022

Watch: Canadian Police Just Following Trudeau's Orders, Pepper Spray Women at Peaceful Protest

Watch: Canadian Police Just Following Trudeau's Orders, Pepper Spray Women at Peaceful Protest
Joseph Gunderson - February 19, 2022 at 08:11AM

It didn’t take long for things to start spiraling over in Ottawa. Trudeau has declared the trucker protesters to be terrorists, and that’s all the justification his goons need to treat them like garbage. And send in the goons he did. Now, footage is coming out Trudeau would probably rather people not see, but what does it matter? He has all the power now, and no one’s about to protest against his use of power, are they?

The police began to move on the protest yesterday. The military hasn’t been called in just yet. Although, that is probably still an option. There’s still no evidence of the protesters being violent in any manner, but the police are a different story. Just ask these two ladies.

It’s just me, but I’m pretty sure the Canadian police have more to worry about that some peaceful truckers protesting for freedom. Y’know, like actual terrorists and stuff. But Trudeau isn’t worried about those types of people.

This is all because some truckers didn’t want to be forced to take the COVID vax and provide proof of vaccination everywhere they went. But standing against these obviously authoritarian measures was too much for the (alleged) son of Castro, lover of all things CCP.

He’s gone for their money. He’s going to go for their property. And now, he’s attacking their physical well-being. Oh, how quickly Canada became Australia, Germany, and France.

Wake up, America! This could easily start up here whenever the Biden regime gets tired of all of you bigoted “anti-vaxxers.”

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