Thursday, February 24, 2022

Watch: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Underway. Graphic Videos Tell the Story

Watch: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Underway. Graphic Videos Tell the Story
Joseph Gunderson - February 24, 2022 at 09:17AM

Update: The original post included a video that wasn't real. It was caught up in all the other footage. I apologize for its inclusion. It has been removed.

Very few Americans will ever experience what it’s like to be in war. That’s a good thing. We should all thank God that we live in this country and that we’re protected by a military that keeps our enemies at bay. But not everyone is so lucky.

After being engaged in an on-and-off war with Russia for years, Ukraine is now on the business end of a full-on invasion. And living in a world in which technology and social media are ubiquitous means that we are allowed a glimpse into the conflict the likes of which generations before us could only dream. Or, if we’re going to be accurate, this is a terrible nightmare.

I’m no stranger to the realities of war, but some of this stuff sends my heart into my throat and turns my stomach.

Let this be your warning: some of these images are graphic.

Imagine this playing out over your city last night, and then try to tell me with a straight face that your life isn’t blessed. This invasion just began, and Putin’s forces are coming in force.

This is what happens when the leader of the free world is a gutless, witless, empty suit of a human being: The worst people on the planet feel—no—they know they can get away with this kind of murder and destruction because there is no real leader. He’s weak.

This next one breaks my heart.

As our military promotes diversity, inclusion, and equity, making stupid TikTok dance videos and cringy recruiting ads, our enemies have been preparing to murder innocent women and children.

Luckily, it would seem Ukrainians have the kind of stones I only wish Americans did. These people are patriots, willing to fight for their own freedom in a way Americans haven’t been in many, many years.

This is what happens when the greatest country to ever grace this planet is led by weak, immoral, Godless people. This is what happens when our president all but gives permission to a despotic regime to invade another country. This is what happens when Joe Biden is incapable of acting decisively, acting strongly, or acting intelligently. The fact is, he’s not a person who should ever have been elected, and the various foreign policy debacles in just over a year of his presidency prove it.

We’re watching the war in Ukraine unfold before our very eyes, and I’m disheartened to know the images will only become worse.

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