Thursday, February 17, 2022

Mom Pulls Gun on Man Attempting to Get Into Her Vehicle in Traffic: ‘It’s Locked and Loaded’

Mom Pulls Gun on Man Attempting to Get Into Her Vehicle in Traffic: ‘It’s Locked and Loaded’
Joseph Gunderson - February 17, 2022 at 10:02AM

It’s a good thing the media and former Vice President Joe Biden haven’t gotten their way when it comes to snatching everyone’s guns away. If this mother hadn’t had a pistol to ward off this criminal, there’s no telling what might have transpired.

Charise Taylor of New Orleans, mother and United States Air Force veteran, was driving to pick her husband up on Friday when she became stuck in gridlocked traffic. A man rushed up to the door and began to aggressively attempt to pull open her passenger side door. With her 2-year-old son in the car with her, she had to act fast. So she pulled out her handgun and pointed it at the man.

from Steven Crowder Says