Friday, February 18, 2022

Sex Researcher Says Pedophiles Belong in the LGBTQ Community: ‘All Else Is Hypocrisy’

Sex Researcher Says Pedophiles Belong in the LGBTQ Community: ‘All Else Is Hypocrisy’
Joseph Gunderson - February 18, 2022 at 09:54AM

It might be about that time for God to start raining fireballs down upon humanity. Yet another allegedly educated individual has decided to come out and say publicly that pedophilia isn’t bad. In fact, he went further, saying that he thinks pedophiles belong in the “GLBT2QA+” community.

“I can be an out as gay only because others took on my stigma. Passing it forward, I feel I must. THAT’s why I think P---and all other stigmatized sexualities people are born with---DOES belong in GLBT2QA+. All else is hypocrisy. Allying with the already popular isn’t liberalism.”

We’ve seen this coming for a while. The left has long dreamed of a day when the LGBTQ camp would welcome pedophiles into their ranks with open arms. Frankly, I’m a little surprised it has taken this long. But it’s become almost popular among “progressive” academics to push harder for the acceptance of pedophilia, first just trying to redefine terms, but then actively questioning the immorality of sexual relationships with children.

The mainstream media has even decided to take up the movement, writing what they probably believe to be deeply thought-out polemics in support of pedophiles.

James Cantor is just another deviant pushing for the acceptance of the most perverse behaviors. Certainly, his statement would also support the kind of sexual depravity now welcome in our government.

Cantor’s Twitter bio says he’s a “sex researcher and neuroscientist,” and on his website, he seems quite interested in the subject of pedophilia. In one of the articles linked on his page titled “Born That Way?” Cantor is quoted saying, “Almost all of the existing evidence points very, very strongly that it's - if I can forgive the term - it's [pedophilia] a sexual orientation.”

Of course, moral human beings even a scintilla of decency understand that pedophilia is a perversion. But as Ayn Rand says in Atlas Shrugged, he has “no inkling of any concept of morality; it [has] been bred out of him by his college.”

I don’t imagine this movement is going to subside anytime soon, especially as middle schools push lessons about consent on our children. It’s only a matter of time before these reprehensible groomers start lobbying for laws to be changed, allowing them to legally abuse children.

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