Joseph Gunderson - February 10, 2022 at 09:40AM

California certainly isn’t the only liberal haven having issues with homelessness, but it very well might be the worst. And it’s not a new issue. California has been struggling with an epidemic of homelessness for years, it’s just getting worse. What may have been a paradise at one point in time is now a heap of trash, human feces, and used needles.
The state government continues to fail its people as the state circles the (toilet) drain, so several organizations have attempted to step up to the task, but they aren’t having much luck.
The Mercury News reports that a number of non-profits and government-funded organizations have attempted to alleviate the homeless problem by paying landlords and homeowners to rent to vagrants. The local Rotary Club recently started a program that functions completely on charitable donations and placed their first family of six in a home last month.
Abode Services is another one of these programs, but it functions differently: “Landlords charge market-rate prices, tenants pay 30% of their incomes toward rent and utilities, and Abode uses state and federal funding to make up the difference.”
Other programs exist, but many of them have failed or currently struggle to find landlord and homeowner partners. Kara Carnahan, speaking with Mercury News, says the growing resistance to participate in these programs is because of the relaxing of COVID restrictions. “Landlords have more options and are more hesitant to take on homeless tenants who may have poor credit and/or a criminal record.”
Now, I think it’s great there are non-profits stepping up or forming to tackle this issue. I’m not so happy about the government just paying for housing. That’s just me, though. They basically recruit homeless people to the state, especially seeing as how the government currently pays out God knows how much to homeless people just to be homeless.
Forgive me if I don’t think the morons at the helm in California can be trusted to spend money appropriately to deal with this issue.
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