Wednesday, February 16, 2022

AOC Swears That America is, Like, Totally Going Back to Jim Crow or Something

AOC Swears That America is, Like, Totally Going Back to Jim Crow or Something
Joseph Gunderson - February 16, 2022 at 09:54AM

The prospect of a massive Republican victory in November looms over those in the Democratic Party who wish to cling desperately to the little power they have and those sizable paychecks for being professional leeches. The last thing people like AOC want are laws that work to ensure fair elections free of fraud, so what better way to discredit such laws than to scream racism?

In an interview for The New Yorker, AOC did just that, saying the United States is quickly reverting back to an age of rampant racism, reports Hot Air.

“I think we will return to Jim Crow.”

The statement in and of itself should be enough to cause people to shake their heads and point out just how unimaginably stupid AOC is, but she can’t help but one-up her own stupidity high score:

“You have it already happening [in Texas and Florida with disenfranchisement laws]. You have the complete erasure and attack on our own understanding of history, to replace teaching history with institutionalized propaganda from white-nationalist perspectives in our schools. This is what the scaffolding of Jim Crow was. And the question that we’re really facing is: Was the last 50 to 60 years after the Civil Rights Act just a mere flirtation that the United States had with a multiracial democracy that we will then decide was inconvenient for those in power? And we will revert to what we had before, which, by the way, wasn’t just Jim Crow but also the extraordinary economic oppression as well?”

By institutionalized propaganda from white nationalists, she probably means the movement to rid our public schools of the racist lessons spawning from critical race theory pedagogy. But we’ve already established she’s not very bright. One can see how not telling every child who isn’t of a preferred minority that they’re evil racists might come off as white-nationalistic to her.

And as for the laws being enacted to shore up voting security, all of her and her colleagues’ critiques have been proven to be bullsh*t. She, like everyone else who criticizes the voting laws cropping up after the 2020 election, doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She probably hasn’t bothered to read any of the laws (because she probably doesn’t know how to read). And she has, she’s just a lying dirtbag.

Senator Tim Scott, in response to such ignorant statements, said, “As I keep hearing the references to Jim Crow, I ask myself how many Americans understand what Jim Crow was.”

I don’t think they do Sen. Scott.

And economic oppression? I’m guessing this clown just wants her student loans paid off.

Maybe in the next episode of “AOC Proves She’s an Idiot,” we can get an Instagram video of Congress’ resident airhead attempting to learn to tie her own shoelaces.

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