Friday, February 18, 2022

Axe-Wielding Environmentalist Mob Blocks Roads, Engages in Coordinated Attack on Pipeline Site

Axe-Wielding Environmentalist Mob Blocks Roads, Engages in Coordinated Attack on Pipeline Site
Joseph Gunderson - February 18, 2022 at 11:18AM

On Thursday, shortly after midnight, a group of axe-wielding nuts attacked a Coastal GasLink site, attacking employees and security, damaging all manner of buildings and equipment, reports the Post Millennial.

A report from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police states that approximately 20 people used “downed trees, tar covered [sic] stumps, wire, boards with spikes, and fires” to block the road, preventing officers from responding to reports of the attack. Further down the road, a school bus was used to block their way once more.

As the officers slowly moved through the barricades, one office was struck as people threw “smoke bombs and fire lit sticks” at them.

They eventually made it past the obstructions and to the site, where employees had managed to escape the assault. Officers “found significant damage had been done to heavy machinery, fencing, and portable buildings.”

In a statement provided by the North District Commander of the RCMP Chief Superintendent Warren Brown, he said, “This is a very troubling escalation in violent criminal activity that could have resulted in serious injury or death. This was a calculated and organized violent attack that left its victims shaken and a multimillion dollar [sic] path of destruction. While we respect everyone’s right to peacefully protest in Canada, we cannot tolerate this type of extreme violence and intimidation.”

I find it interesting that any member of the Canadian government can say to “respect everyone’s right to peacefully protest in Canada” as their resident dictator Justin Castreau is actively engaged in quashing an extremely peaceful protest in Ottawa at this very moment. I wonder if this office would mind going to the Prime Minister and showing him what violence looks like, so Castreau can compare these axe-wielding terrorists to the truckers hugging it out with police officers.

Of course, I’m sure the hippy Justin Castreau would kneel down and sing Kumbaya with these people because they’re just fighting to be more green, and he likes that stuff.

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from Steven Crowder Says