Monday, February 28, 2022

Watch: Biden Claims Americans are Too Psychologically Damaged to Understand How Good He's Made Their Lives

Watch: Biden Claims Americans are Too Psychologically Damaged to Understand How Good He's Made Their Lives
Brodigan - February 28, 2022 at 08:16AM

Dear God, if You are watching, please guide the hand of whoever is writing Joe Biden's State of the Union Address that THIS is the over-arching message. That Americans are too messed up in the head to understand what an amazing president Biden has been.

This comes from an interview with some progressive podcaster, where Biden also claims he's restored the soul of the country by bringing people together. Yes, the same Joe Biden who called people that disagree with him racist.

"[The reason people don't realize what an amazing job Biden has done is} the phenomenal psychological impact COVID has had on the public's psyche. And so you have an awful lot of people who are, uh, notwithstanding the fact that, uh, things have gotten so much better for them economically."

EDITORS NOTE: I legit laughed out loud as I was transcribing that part.

"That they are thinking, 'How do you get up in the morning and feel happy?' Happy that everything is alright now."

Purely for the sake of argument, let's say what Joe Biden says is true. It's not, and Biden is a numbskull. But let's pretend all our brains are made of pudding like Biden's and what he says is truthy. And that Americans are so psychologically damaged that I probably would have dated America in college. Joe Biden and the Media-Entertainment Industrial Complex that supports him is to blame.

They are the ones who spent the last two years terrifying Americans. First, by reporting we were all going to die during the last president. Then, when over half a million more died during this president, said we needed to follow "the science" as defined by the government guys better than we did before.

As an aside, the dishonest reporting has managed to make Joe Biden's supporters the least informed about the pandemic. Go figure.

Biden and the people who control Biden used children as pawns and claimed their angry parents were domestic terrorists. Blue-state parents were forced to watch children from red states--where science was followed as opposed to "the science"--live happy lives.

Yet, now that the political science has changed (and Biden has a big speech coming up), suddenly so have the restrictions that have caused Americans to have "psychological" problems. We're supposed to pretend the timing is just a coincidence.

Joe Biden thinks people are too psychologically unable to be happy about what a wonderful job he's been doing. He should look in the f*cking mirror if he wants to know why.

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