Thursday, February 10, 2022

CNN's Fresh 'Out of Ideas' Over What to Do About Joe Rogan, If There Was Any Doubt What This Is Really About

CNN's Fresh 'Out of Ideas' Over What to Do About Joe Rogan, If There Was Any Doubt What This Is Really About
Brodigan - February 10, 2022 at 07:19AM

Rumors of Joe Rogan's cancelation have been greatly exaggerated. Not that the content creators at CNN didn't try their best. They threw down the race card. That's the Uno Draw Four in cards played when leftists want to shut someone up who expresses any opposing viewpoint for any reason whatsoever. But Americans of ALL races saw through what liberals and the media (but I repeat myself) were doing. Now, CNN's Alisyn Camerota admits they've got nothing left.

"Well, I admit, I'm out of ideas for what to do about Joe Rogan. I'm officially out of ideas."

Here's the full context of what was said if context matters to you. It doesn't matter to corporate media so I will abide by their rules. Though, if I can offer a suggestion over "what to do" about Joe Rogan, how about nothing? How about if you don't like what he has to say, don't listen to his podcast? Maybe focus on making CNN stop sucking and failing the American people as bad as it does?

That's what this is about. It's not about the n-word. Which, as an aside, CTRL-ALT-people should keep it out of their mouth. It's not about Joe Rogan talking to doctors that have not been approved by the unelected government bureaucrats who tell Joe Biden what to think. It's about Joe Rogan having an audience that dwarfs CNN that Rogan uses to express viewpoints that go against the progressive narrative.

That's why the hit was ordered. Leftists tried de-platforming Rogan over what the media deems "misinformation." That failed. Then they tried calling him a racist. That failed too because, contrary to popular liberal belief, there isn't some monolithic black opinion. The video they have on stand-by claiming Rogan is sexist and claiming that Rogan is LGBTQ-phobic won't work now. There's nothing left.

As for CNN being fresh out of ideas over "what to do" about Joe Rogan, here's an idea. Listen to Joe Rogan when he suggests CNN should stop sucking at life and improve their own content. Try that.

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