Sunday, February 13, 2022

Police Use Tear Gas on Anti-Mandate Protesters. Also, Uses Tear Gas on Parents and Little Kids

Police Use Tear Gas on Anti-Mandate Protesters. Also, Uses Tear Gas on Parents and Little Kids
Brodigan - February 13, 2022 at 08:49AM

There was an anti-mandate protest in Paris to stand in solidarity with the Freedom Convoy. Police told people they couldn't protest. When people protested anyway, police shot tear gas at the protesters. Also, at anyone sitting in a café nearby. Here is a family and a little girl running for their lives.

The last time we checked in with the Paris Police, they were going up to people at cafés and demanding to see their papers. They were also beating down people shopping at the mall. This escalates things somewhat.

According to Sky News, there was a police order telling citizens that they couldn't protest. 7000 police were mobilized in response to some French people deciding they were going to protest against government mandates anyway. Police were deployed with water cannon trucks and armed personnel carriers--no doubt paid for by the protesting citizens' taxes and given to the police by the government that the citizens were protesting. I'm sure the government also gave orders for the police to shut down the people protesting against the government.

Let's not forget tear gas because again:

I don't have sources in France, so I'm relying on Sky News to be reporting accurately. At no point in their news report do they mention the protesters being violent or threatening to be violent. Just that police were going to use overwhelming force to stop the protesters from protesting. Also, France is two months away from a presidential election, and "French President Emmanuel Macron is eager to avoid the protests turning into large-scale anti-government protests like the 'Yellow Vest' demonstrations of 2018."

The "yellow vest" demonstrations were in response to a fuel tax hike. That was the last time the French people disagreed with their government. You know, before this more recent time when the French took issue with government restrictions and mandates.

The French government ordered police to tear gas peaceful protesters because those protesters were speaking out about the government. Pay attention America. The only thing stopping the people who control Joe Biden from doing the same is our Constitution. For now.

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