Wednesday, February 23, 2022

After TikTok Celebrity Ava Majury's Dad Shoots Her Stalker, She Needs to Testify Against Another Stalker

After TikTok Celebrity Ava Majury's Dad Shoots Her Stalker, She Needs to Testify Against Another Stalker
Joseph Gunderson - February 23, 2022 at 08:28AM

After a run-in with a stalker last year in which her father shot and killed the man, 15-year-old Ava Majury is still dealing with stalkers. Next week, she’s due in court to testify against another one who has connections to the one who’s now rotting in the ground.

The new stalker, who had been texting the first one, has been “following her [Ava] around and watching her every move,” reports the Daily Mail. Her family is being proactive, seeking an order of protection against the juvenile boy.

“She is genuinely afraid for her safety,” says an attorney for the family.

There’s no reason to question her fears. Who could blame her? She literally had a gun-wielding weirdo stalk her and come to her house shooting. But the incident hasn’t pushed her away from her social media following.

Ava wrote in a statement posted to Instagram that her parents insisted she get off social media, but she begged them to stay on, and they allowed it. Far be it for me to criticize their parenting, but TikTok is already garbage world, and that’s even without people attempting to stalk and potentially kill your kid. And now, she has another stalker? Perhaps TikTok isn’t the way to go, y’all.

What could make this worse? Oh, what about a pedophile?

Months after the shooting of her first stalker, another man messaged Ava and offered her $1000 for her phone number. Her parents later discovered the man had the same name as “a registered sex offender who was previously arrested for soliciting a 14-year-old girl.”

I get it. She probably has fun on TikTok. She probably enjoys the adoring fans—although, it’s also very creepy that a 15-year-old (who started using TikTok at 13) has such a large following. But at a certain point, I think parents need to step in to say enough is enough. #TrashTikTok

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