Saturday, February 12, 2022

'Please Let Me Out': Middle School Student Gets Locked in Room By Security Because He Wasn't Wearing a Mask

'Please Let Me Out': Middle School Student Gets Locked in Room By Security Because He Wasn't Wearing a Mask
Brodigan - February 12, 2022 at 07:43AM

Democrat governors throughout America are following the political science and doing away with mask mandates. Teachers' unions are desperate to maintain power since they went through the trouble of writing the CDC's school mask guidelines. Whether your public school follows your governor's mask optional rule depends on how much control the unions have over your school board. In Elgin, Illinois, it's quite a bit. The governor says masks are optional. The middle school says if you don't wear a mask, we're locking you in a room.

It's a regular thing that gets done apparently.

The Post Millennial reached out to the school district to ask if locking kids in a room--also known as a fire hazard--was school policy. A spokeswoman for the school said that no, it was not policy. She promised to bring the video up with the school safety coordinator. The coordinator could very well be the badge-wearing thug holding the door shut in the first video. It's hard to tell. You can't read what's on the badge. The guy could have been the hallway monitor getting revenge for all the times he was shoved into lockers.

Like with all viral videos, allow for missing context. I defy you to find me any context that would make it appropriate to lock a middle school student in a room for any reason.

No word on a viral video of the kid's father meeting the school safety coordinator for a "chat" after his son was locked in a room. Should such a video be discovered, we will cover it here.

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