Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Doocy Bombs Psaki: Hey, Remember When Biden Said Putin Was Afraid of Him? He's Obviously Not.

Doocy Bombs Psaki: Hey, Remember When Biden Said Putin Was Afraid of Him? He's Obviously Not.
Brodigan - February 23, 2022 at 07:44AM

Vladimir Putin is bad and Putin invading another country is bad. Like, the potential for World War III bad. That needs to be clarified in the beginning because the left and the media (there I go repeating myself) are doing that thing where if you criticize President Pudding-for-Brains, it means you are a traitor who is in love with Putin. We live in a nuanced society when Putin can be evil and is choosing to invade now because Biden is weak. And incompetent. And incontinent. DOOCY returned to the White House briefing room to ask questions.

Not sure where DOOCY has been. I would have liked to have known if Biden was jelly of Justin Trudeau declaring martial law on his citizens and if Biden supported harassing donors. At least DOOCY is there to ask White House Spokessoulessginger Jen Psaki about Putin things. Here is their exchange followed by my dramatic interpretation.

DOOCY: So, President Biden has said before that Vladimir Putin would be scared of Biden as president. I think we have a clip.

DOOCY: There is always this tweet, awkwardly timed two years ago to the day.

DOOCY: What happened? Has this president been so ineffective on the world stage that Putin isn't threatened by him?

PSAKI: That's not the way we see it. Our belief is Mr. Putin has made a serious miscalculation. He forgot he's no longer dealing with Trump.

DOOCY: That is verbatim what Stephen King tweeted.

PSAKI: I know. We wrote it.

DOOCY: ...m'kay. But when Trump was president, Putin didn't try invading another country. Can't an argument can be made that Putin is doing it now because he views Biden as weak?

PSAKI: Hashtag Doocy's a traitor.

DOOCY: That's not how hashtags work.

We'll see how things develop today and how the crisis in Ukraine is blamed on Donald Trump, a man who isn't the current president and who Putin didn't f*ck with when he was president. While pretending that Joe Biden walking away from reporters is leadership--no, really, that's what the media is reporting about him walking away--rest assured, nothing will be Joe Biden's fault and everything Biden says will be considered leadership like whoa. If you say otherwise, then hashtag you're a traitor.

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