Friday, February 18, 2022

Watch: Shop Owner Breaks Down After Being Terrorized by Trudeau Sympathizers Over Her Donation to  Truckers

Watch: Shop Owner Breaks Down After Being Terrorized by Trudeau Sympathizers Over Her Donation to  Truckers
Brodigan - February 18, 2022 at 07:20AM

Tammy Giuliani owns Stella Luna Gelato Café. She saw her fellow Canadians peacefully protesting over the government restricting their ability to support their families, the people Justin Trudeau claims take up space and shouldn't be tolerated. Tammy donated a whopping $250 so her fellow countrymen didn't have to freeze to death while peacefully standing up for something they believe in. Hateful Trudeau sympathizers hacked the site to which she donated and posted her personal information online. Because of that, other Trudeau sympathizers have been terrorizing and threatening her and her employees.

Here's a link to Tammy's interview with Jesse Watters. I'm keeping it embedded so everyone can see YouTube is age-restricting the video. I know that you know why.

Canada Goes Full 1984! Activates 'Emergencies Act' to Deal With Truckers! | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says