Brodigan - February 15, 2022 at 09:11AM

The Freedom Convoy has succeeded in doing a few things. It's gotten some of the mandates rescinded, which was how this all started. The Convoy has set a stellar example for the world in peaceful protesting. And, possibly most importantly, they succeeded in making Justin "I Feel Pretty" Trudeau look like a schmuck. That's the main reason why Canada's walking pile of soy and hair goop is stripping citizens of their civil liberties. Well, not all citizens--only the citizens who hold an opposing viewpoint from I.F.P. Trudeau.
No one should be surprised. Trudeau has been very vocal in viewing the pandemic as a great opportunity to reset things. He's also sung the praises of Communist China's dictatorship, as this resurfaced video shows. Trudeau was asked what country he most admired. SPOILER: The least-freedom-having one.
"There's a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say we need to go greenest fastest, we need to start investing in solar. There is a flexibility that I know [former Prime Minister] Stephen Harper must dream about having a dictatorship where he can do everything he wanted."
Now, pairing this with the fact that Trudeau living out his soggiest dictatorship dreams, and this is too much for even the reliably communist-loving New York Times. After reiterating how much they hate the Freedom Convoy protesters--again, this is the New York Times--even the editorial board was forced to say Trudeau is out of line.
"We disagree with the protesters’ cause, but they have a right to be noisy and even disruptive. Protests are a necessary form of expression in a democratic society, particularly for those whose opinions do not command broad popular support. Governments have a responsibility to prevent violence by protesters, but they must be willing to accept some degree of disruption by those seeking to be heard."
I'd be lying if I said I had any idea where things would go from here. Even Canadians who oppose the protest and everything the media has told them must hear the details of Trudeau's Emergencies Act declaration and think it's too far. Even the lowest of low-information progressives should be able to see if civil liberties can be taken away from those other people, they can be taken away from them, as well. Are other world leaders going to side with Trudeau? Are those world leaders' citizens going to tolerate it? How soon until the New York Times editorial department gets bullied into apologizing for their milquetoast criticism if I.F.P. Trudeau?
The world is about to find out.
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