Monday, February 7, 2022

Stacey Abrams Lashes Out at Critics After Sharing Creepy Photo With Children

Stacey Abrams Lashes Out at Critics After Sharing Creepy Photo With Children
Brodigan - February 07, 2022 at 07:00AM

Stacey Abrams, one of the few black women that white liberals know, is lashing out at her critics over a photo controversy. Abrams is best known for losing the 2018 Georgia Governor's race, refusing to acknowledge she lost, and inspiring a whole new generation of liberals to deny election results they don't like--even election results that haven't happened yet. This pioneer in election denial and subverting democracy visited a classroom. If you have seen any pictures of liberal politicians hanging out with children lately, I'm sure you can guess where this is going.

A grown adult smiling while surrounded by school kids forced to mask up, looking miserable. I understand that Democrats like Abrams (and Kathy Hochul and Joe Biden) are wholly-owned subsidiaries of the teachers' unions. I know they have to ignore science (as opposed to "the science") in order to comply with mask mandates written by the teachers' unions. What I don't understand is how none of these elected officials have anyone around them to say how cruel and wretched photos like this are.

Normal people are disgusted by photos like this. Normal people oppose masking children. Liberals not only celebrate it, but they also don't see anything wrong with them celebrating it. As one reporter said, a good response to this would be "whoops." Instead, Stacey Abrams lashed out at her critics. She claimed it was a made-up controversy, then attack her opponents for things that aren't true and had nothing to do with this photo. But not taking responsibility for her failures is what Stacey Abrams excels at. Again, see Election, 2018 Georgia Gubernatorial.

Her campaign has since tried to soften her excuse, claiming she was wearing a mask and only removed it because the kids couldn't hear her clearly. But in order to take her mask off, she required everyone else to be wearing one.

Let that percolate for a minute. Abrams acknowledges that wearing a mask makes it hard to communicate with children. Yet she and her entire political party support a policy where students and teachers wear something that makes it hard to communicate. All day. While they are trying to learn. When it comes to kids' education, everyone should shut up and deal with masks. When it comes to a Democrat candidate being heard, "the science", the schmience.

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp's general consultants should send Abrams a muffin basket. This photo just tripled their voter-mail budget.

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