Thursday, August 26, 2021

Pay Attention, America: Australia Is Building C*VID Jails ... I'm Sorry, I Mean 'Quarantine Facilities'

Pay Attention, America: Australia Is Building C*VID Jails ... I'm Sorry, I Mean 'Quarantine Facilities'
Brodigan - August 26, 2021 at 07:41AM

Congratulations, Australia. We here at LwC said that you couldn't get any worse than killing dogs in the name of a public health crisis. We meant that as a warning to Americans of what happens when you give your government too much power over you. Australia saw that as a challenge! And came back at us with C*VID jails. I'm sorry, I meant quarantine centers. Not only quarantine centers, but quarantine centers with corporate sponsorship.

Let's hear the Wiggles sing a song about this.

BREAKING: A dedicated regional quarantine facility will be built at Wellcamp Airport near Toowoomba. As we contend with the dangerous Delta variant, we need fit-for-purpose quarantine facilities.

That's why we've taken decisive action to build this new 1000-bed, dedicated facility under a joint agreement between the Palaszczuk Government and the landowner @Wagner_Corp. Wagner Corporation expects the first stage of the facility to be delivered for use by the end of 2021.

Queensland is a state in Australia, and this broad is the head of that state. Imagine the governor of California or New York nonchalantly tweeting out that they've entered into a public-private partnership to BUILD A FREAKING QUARANTINE CENTER.

Before you get too disturbed, read some of the responses PRAISING THIS! Understand there are citizens who support sending their friends and neighbors to quarantine centers. THEN, ask yourself how many people in this country you think would make similar statements. THEN, you can get disturbed.

"Congratulations and thanks to @AnnastaciaMP and her government for taking an initiative to protect your state when the Commonwealth have abrogated their responsibility for quarantine across the nation," says one woman.

"When the Federal Government won't do it's job, the States have to take any available avenue to protect their people," says a guy with a needle emoji and a mask emoji in his name.

"Thank you for stepping up to protect Queenslanders," says one Aussie who was probably wearing three masks while tweeting that.

Then you have one person who feels the government "waited months too long, to do this."

The first question that comes to mind is exactly how many "public health crises" is Queensland expecting? This center won't get built overnight. By the time it opens, one would think the Delta variant would have proven to just be seasonal. You don't break ground on a detent ... I mean, "quarantine" center to deal with the "public health crisis" you are facing right now. You are planning for the future. You are planning to need to send your citizens to a quarantine center in the future.

The more serious question? What if someone doesn't want to go to the quarantine center? Australia is already limiting when people can leave their homes and when they can exercise. The military is being sent door to door with the police to enforce the lockdown. Little girls are being pepper-sprayed for saying they just want to go outside and play. That is what is happening now. Fast-forward to when the government opens the corporate-sponsored quarantine center. And someone comes to your door saying you need to be quarantined.

This is all for Australians to deal with. Way too many of them seem okay with living in a police state. I'm more concerned about this country. If people don't think Joe Biden and/or the people who control Joe Biden wouldn't try the same sh*t if the American people let them, you should pull you your head out of your rectums. Australia is a WARNING. Pay attention to it.

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