Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Biden Tells ABC News He Made No Mistakes, Snaps When Asked About 'Afghans Falling' from Airplanes

Biden Tells ABC News He Made No Mistakes, Snaps When Asked About 'Afghans Falling' from Airplanes
Brodigan - August 18, 2021 at 04:58PM

Joe Biden's incompetence and failure in Afghanistan have been televised for the world to see. Yet President Puddingbrain had refused to answer questions about it. Even earlier today, after a mask-related political attack against Governors like Ron DeSantis, Biden walked off while reporters yelled "hey Mr. President, so about this Afghanistan thing...." However, Biden had sat down earlier with George Stephanopoulos. Good ol' reliable George. Biden needed a lap dog, and there are few more obedient.

ABC News released a preview of tomorrow morning's exclusive. If the full interview's anything like this, oof.

GEORGE: But we've all seen the pictures. We've seen those hundreds of people packed into a C-17. We've seen Afghans falling ..."

CRANKYPANTS: The was four days ago! Five days ago!

Ackshully, it was more like two or three days ago. Today, it's girls watching their mothers get beaten to death for not cooking for the Taliban.

Also, Joe Biden feels he made no mistakes. And feels it couldn't have been handled any better than it has been. Americans can't possibly expect it to have been handled any better. You know, because no one had any idea this could happen.

Except that's not true. Joe Biden did know.

His experts told him this was going to happen. They've been telling him it was going to happen. Joe Biden knew. Joe Biden didn't care. He wanted to be the guy who ended the war so he could have a political victory for himself on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. The chaos that is unfolding right now is what Biden would call an "oopsie."

This is only a preview clip of Thursday's interview. Maybe Biden looks better when viewed in its entirety. I doubt it though. Biden has looked like a schmuck up until this point and I don't see that changing.

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