Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Unvaccinated Teen Had to Wear Ankle Tracker at School. In AMERICA! But it Gets Worse...

Unvaccinated Teen Had to Wear Ankle Tracker at School. In AMERICA! But it Gets Worse...
Courtney Kirchoff - August 24, 2021 at 10:34AM

Taking some cues from the craptastic country of Australia, a public high school in Eatonville, Washington (which I know can be pretty craptastic, having lived in that state for 13 years) told an unvaccinated teen she had to wear an ankle tracker for volleyball practice. Like she was a criminal. This actually gets worse, and as I keep saying probably to the point of annoyance, do not dismiss this story simply because it takes place in Heir Inslee's police state of Washington. Not only did the school fail to inform the mother of the teen, the school also forbade the mother from taking a picture of the tracker on the teen's ankle. I'll share my thoughts on that below.

From The Post Millennial which got the exclusive scoop:

The mother spoke to an employee in the school office, as well as a coach and was informed there was a meeting last week discussing the ankle monitoring program for unvaccinated teens. The program was allegedly designed for contact tracing in the event of a positive COVID test of a student.

The TraceTag device used by the school was made by a company called Triax. According to their website, the device was created for the purpose of "maintaining social distancing guidelines" and to provide "real-time insight into whether these guidelines are being observed" for construction and other manufacturing businesses, but makes no mention of school use on the website.

The word which should come to mind is "creepy" closely followed by "tyrannical." Maybe you swapped the words, but both are applicable.

The mother said that when she told the school employees that she was taking her daughter home, the teen was asked by an office staff member to remove the device before she saw her mother and said that the mother could only photograph the device in Kralik's hand as pictured above, not on the child's ankle.

Listen up, parents. I need you to practice a phrase whenever other people tell you what you can and cannot do around your own child, especially photographing something the school has done against your will. Ready for it? "FUCK YOU."

Say it loud. Say it proud. "FUCK YOU, I'm taking a photo of what you made my daughter wear like she was a criminal. FUCK YOU, for not informing me of this new policy of tracking children's activities. FUCK YOU, for thinking you know better than me. FUCK YOU, for othering my daughter. Now watch as I FUCK YOU by reporting your activities."

Get cozy with the phrase. Practice saying it in front of a mirror. I don't care. The time for politeness is over. Also, and I can't emphasize this enough, GET OVERLY INVOLVED IN YOUR CHILD'S SCHOOL. This is a public school. It is taxpayer-funded. Meaning if you're living in the school district, it is YOUR school. YOU pay for it. You should be overly involved. You should walk down the hall so often the staff sees you and rolls their eyes before then ten-hut in your presence.

If you are still being ramrodded, either because you're too timid or because the school is so emboldened, GET YOUR KID OUT. Put up the fight, and if you lose the fight, protect your child and remove them from the toxic atmosphere.

So here we are, America. Schools are pushing mask mandates, critical race theory, and now strapping monitors on your children. Time to teach your kids to say "FUCK YOU" maybe they can learn it from you. We're reaching the endgame here, so if you're not involved in your child's education, what are you waiting for?!

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