Thursday, August 26, 2021

Multiple Explosions Outside Kabul Airport in Terror Attack, American Casualties Reported

Multiple Explosions Outside Kabul Airport in Terror Attack, American Casualties Reported
Team Crowder - August 26, 2021 at 09:56AM

Multiple explosions are being reported outside the Kabul airport where large groups of people, including Americans, were trying to evacuate the country. This comes the day after President Joe Biden laughed off a reporter who asked him about Americans possibly being stranded there.

Here's what we know so far.

Earlier today, the State Department issued a warning that U.S. citizens in Afghanistan should avoid traveling to the airport and avoid airport gates. People who were at the airport were told to leave immediately. American citizens have been trying to escape the country after President Biden announced his much-criticized withdrawal of US troops from the area.

The perceived terror attack happened hours later.

A suicide bomber has attacked Kabul airport, just hours after officials warned of an 'imminent' ISIS bomb threat, injuring US Marines and killing an unconfirmed number of Afghans. The blast was outside The Baron Hotel, at the Abbey Gate of Kabul airport. Westerners were staying in the hotel before their evacuation flights. At least three US troops were injured and an unconfirmed number of Marines were also hurt. It's unclear if any Americans were killed in the explosion but harrowing scenes show bloodied Afghans being removed from the scene on wheelchairs. One witness reported that a baby was among those killed.

Shortly following the attack, footage of the chaos started to make its way to social media.

Politico is reporting several US casualties.

Casualties at least a second explosion has been confirmed by the Pentagon.

Any other details as of right now are sketchy at best. CNN had a correspondent saying the attack was "probably" done by ISIS-K to "humiliate" the Taliban. Earlier, a correspondent suggested the Taliban "probably" had a hand in the attack to "humiliate" Americans.

We'll update this post as more information becomes available. For now, pray.

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